Remembrance Prayer for Ireland – General Post Office – Easter Sunday 2020
A Remembrance Prayer for Ireland
Easter Sunday – 12 April 2020
Father Seamus Madigan (Head Chaplain, Defence Forces, Ireland)
An tAthair Seamus Ó Madagáin (Ard Séiplínigh, Óglaigh na hÉireann)
In ainm an Athar agus an Mhic agus an Spioraid Naoimh. Amen.
God of Love, on this most unusual Easter Sunday, we honour and call to mind the men, women and children who died during the 1916 Rising. Just as they entered the darkness of uncertainty in their time, so we too are called to journey generously and united through these dark times towards an Ireland ready to embrace the light of true freedom, hope and inter-dependence. As we commemorate the sacrifice of those who died during 1916 and gather in their memory we pray for our country, our people and the challenges of these times, remembering especially all those who have died during this most difficult time.
Solas na bhFlaitheas dár n-anamacha
Calling to mind all whose lives have been shortened for whatever reason, we are challenged once again to strive together for a brighter future for Ireland and all of its citizens.
- We also pray for the families of loved ones who have died as a result of COVID -19. The grief of one is the wound of all! We are with you in your grief and isolation at this difficult time.
- We pray with profound gratitude for our healthcare and frontline workers. Each day your bravery reminds us that we must all be brave, strong and caring. Seasaimid arís gualainn le ghualainn. Ní neart go cur le chéile.
Creator God, listen to our hearts’ longings for
- Healing of those touched by COVID-19,
- Strength for all who carry the burden of this illness
- Courage for those who care for our fragile world.
We commend all to your loving care.
In this unexpected time of national and global crisis, help us to realise that we all have a part to play in protecting the vulnerable, assisting those in need, and working to bring about a more just and inclusive society, rich in our Irish values, creativity and vision. Loving God, we know you did not cause this suffering and that You are with us in it and through it. Help us to recognize Your presence in the many acts of kindness, in the moments of silence, in the shared time with loved ones and in the beauty of the created world. Grant peace and protection to all. Help us to be brave in our beginnings, to listen to the wisdom of those who struggle, and in the end to trust that ‘all will be well’. We offer these prayers in all the holy names of God. Amen.
Eternal rest grant to those who have died and may they Rest In Peace. Amen.
Moladh go deo le Dia!