Mingy Prayerbook
The original Mingy Prayerbook was published in the 1990s to provide personnel with prayers and reflections during training, and for various occasions through work and life. The prayerbook was designed to fit in a soldier’s pocket or wallet.
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What’s new about the 2015 edition of the Mingy Prayerbook?
- Multi-denominational prayers and reflections are now included to cater for personnel and their families and colleagues with whom we serve overseas.
- An Irish version of the ever-popular Serenity Prayer is now included. The prayer of Cardinal Newman receives the same treatment in English and Irish!
- Two prayers are included which have been promoted recently by Pope Francis – “Our Lady Untier of Knots” & “Prayer for Our Earth.”
- Two of Evie Hone’s windows – from St Patrick’s Garrison Church in Cathal Brugha Barracks, Dublin and from St Michael’s Garrison Church in Collins’ Barracks, Cork – are featured. The most recent glass work is by George Walsh and is taken from the chapel in Finner Camp, County Donegal.
- The only window in Ireland of a soldier wearing a “G-shock” watch is at the centre of the book. This window by Ken Ryan is to be found in the Hercy Memorial Chapel at Dún Uí Mhaoilíosa.
Where can I source a Mingy prayerbook?
- Serving and retired personnel can contact their local chaplain.
- Personnel overseas in Lebanon, on the Golan Heights, in Mali and in the Mediterranean have been provided with the new Mingy Prayerbooks in recent months.
- The Mingy Prayerbook App is available at present in the iTunes store. The android version of the App is still at development stage with a view to being launched in mid-October 2015.
A word of thanks
- The prayers in the Mingy Prayerbook have developed through moments of prayer, conversation and sacraments which chaplains have shared with their personnel.
- Staff at the Defence Forces Printing Press provided valuable guidance during the design and printing stages of the revised prayerbook.
- Personnel in different locations – at home and overseas – were willing “testers” of the new App. The android version will be released in the coming weeks when development and testing is complete.
- The feedback of all users is greatly appreciated so that improvements can be made to future App versions of the Mingy Prayerbook.